Our monthly Dialogues offer the Ottawa region a sustained, intimate setting for engagement with some of the best that has been said or written. Come read classics like Athanasius’s On the Incarnation as well as works by Isaac Watts, C.S. Lewis, and modern writers. Our ecumenical commitment means you are sure to encounter fresh perspectives in a respectful context. So, if you have been itching for a regular place to kick up your feet, laugh, and read books alongside other Christians, look no further!
All Dialogues occur on Tuesday nights, 7:00-8:30 at the College, 152 Metcalfe Street. If you are not in Ottawa, you can join us via Zoom.
In Darwin Devolves, Michael Behe continues his philosophical and scientific discussion of the natural world in light of the latest scientific discoveries in genetics. Behe’s first book, Darwin’s Black Box (1996), challenged Darwinian assumptions about evolution. He focused on molecular machines in the cell and asked: How could these have evolved gradually and randomly? In his latest book, he observes that recent discoveries indicate that evolution often occurs by the loss of genetic information and not the appearance of new information.
Behe’s Christian faith and his classical education inform his discussion. He argues it is reasonable to view the natural world as the product of intelligent design and the handiwork of an intelligent designer.
- Reading: Introduction
- Darwin Devolves is available to purchase here
- and a PDF is available here
Optional: Related talks by Michael Behe from Dig & Delve 2019:
- “Fearfully, Wonderfully, Deliberately: The Argument for Intelligent Design from Biochemistry”
- “Less is More: How Darwinian Evolution Helps Species Adapt by Breaking Genes”
Come join us Tuesday, March 25, 7-8:30 pm as we discuss these ideas.
152 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa (or by Zoom)
AC Dialogues 2025 Monthly Schedule
- Tuesday, April 29
Dominion by Tom Holland