John Patrick
JOHN PATRICK holds M.B., B.S., M.R.C.P. and M.D. degrees from the University of London and St. George’s Hospital Medical School in London.
In his career as a researcher Dr. Patrick did extensive work on the treatment of childhood nutritional deficiency and related diseases, holding appointments in Britain, the West Indies, and Canada. He lectured at universities in Britain, North America, the former Soviet Union, and Africa. In Zaire/Congo he was particularly concerned to understand the relationship between belief, culture, and the treatment of severe malnutrition. In 2002 he retired from his position as Associate Professor in Clinical Nutrition, Departments of Biochemistry and Pediatrics, at the University of Ottawa.
Since leaving the university he has been President of Augustine College. He speaks throughout the world, both to secular and faith communities, on the integration of faith and medicine, addressing issues of faith, culture, and public policy. His talks and CV are available at johnpatrick.ca. The Christian Medical & Dental Society of Canada and the Christian Medical & Dental Association in the United States also have material from John’s speaking engagements.
John and Sally Patrick also manage the Hippocratic Registry. John often addresses the issues of sanctity of life, abortion, and euthanasia or Physician Assisted Suicide (see hippocraticregistry.com).
Courses taught by Prof. Patrick (with Prof. Paul Kronberg):